AvZ thumbnail

A v Z

Short 07
Air Date

November 11th, 2016

Run Time


Short Guide
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April Fools Special

Hard Reset

"AvZ" is a TOME  short created to celebrate the 5 year anniversary of the webseries, animated by series creator, Chris Niosi.


Taking place an undetermined amount of time after the events of Episode 15, Alpha and Zetto meet up in ;Lavendera for a sparring match.


The short starts with the title, A v Z, appearing on screen before being followed up with "Login_". The letters fade as ;Lavendera comes into view, with ;Mechcity visible in the distance. 

A player descends from the sky and lands on the ground before materializing into Alpha. The camera turns revealing Zetto waiting patiently behind Alpha, who greets him with his iconic "Well, it's about time." The two take their battle stances as a battlegrid appears beneath their feet before quickly rushing toward each other, beginning their match. 

In the end, Alpha takes the victory over Zetto, before the scene cuts to live action footage of the two players. Zetto (played by his voice actor, Niosi) exclaiming in frustration, and Alpha (played by his real life inspiration, Mike Luckas) wearing sunglasses and giving a victory thumbs up.


Remastered version[]

On the final episode of the TOME: A2Z compilation movie, "Zetto's Resolution", the dialogue was ommitted and replaced with a music battle song. Instead of Zetto just lying in comatose, Alpha picks him up and they are reunited with both Nylocke and Flamegirl, whom also have updated looks. Kizuna and a humanoid SOFTDI also meet the gang, surprising everyone of SOFTDI returning and taking on a new form.


  • This short aired on November 11th, 2016, exactly 5 years after the release of Episode 1 of the webseries.
    • This, in turn, continues the references to the 1111 number from the original TTA series.
  • Alpha and Zetto have new designs in this short:
    • Alpha's design resembles his design from Episode 10, but incorporates elements of his Season 2 design. His hair is also shorter, more closely resembling Mike Luckas' hair at the time.
    • Zetto's design resembles his Season 2 design, albeit slimmer, a slightly different color scheme, and a smaller arm cannon. Interestingly enough, his arm cannon also gained the ability to summon an energy sword, most likely in reference to his former alter-ego .
  • During the live action segment, Niosi and Luckas are shown wearing colors that directly reference their characters; Niosi wearing a blue button up shirt with a dark blue undershirt, and Luckas wearing a red shirt with a Yoshi decal.
  • As of October 2021, the live-action portion and credits were removed for unknown circumsrances. But you can see a small snippet of Niosi on his headset. The original version can still be found in YouTube archives.
    • The live-action portion was replaced in the remastered version.

